Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Easyapns
There are over a billion smartphones in circulation in the world. This means that there are as many people who have these gadgets and use them for their daily communication i.e. video calling etc., online business, social networking, and the internet. These devices have enabled growth in those respective sectors due to technological advancement. Nonetheless, for these devices to work optimally and provide all these services, they have to be connected to a certain network. Walmart family mobile is one of these devices There is a myriad of networks in the globe and users have to make the choice of what network to use.
The choice of networks is dependent on two factors; Price and coverage. The better the coverage of a network, the better the reception. As such, there is a greater market if the coverage of the network is large. Secondly, the prices of the various services offered by the network service provider. The call rates and other goodies such as bundle kits provided by a
a service provider can influence the market.
Walmart Family Mobile
Walmart Family Mobile is a product of the larger Walmart Company that is mostly known for shopping stores. The company, in collaboration with T-Mobile, has brought to use this family mobile. T-Mobile is a service provider that enjoys a fair share of the market. Thus, they provide the network and the coverage while Walmart provides the program and the relevant family mobiles.
How to Get Started with It

#1. Own a Phone
In order to access the service of any service provider, you need to have a device that can be integrated into the network. Consequently, potential users should own a phone that is compatible with Walmart Family Mobile. This is because there are phones that cannot be configured to work as family mobiles.
#2. Get a New Phone from Walmart
This is the next option if the phone that a potential consumer has is not compatible with the family mobile. The Walmart stores have phones that are compatible with their network. Also, even with other phones that are compatible with the family mobile, it is recommended to use phones made by the company. This is because this phone is 100% compatible with all the necessities of the family mobile network. You can also get it from Novestore.
#3. Purchase Activation Kit
Like any other phone, the Walmart Family Mobile also uses items such as SIM cards that make it easy for the phone to access the necessary network. Apart from the SIM cards, there may be other essentials in the kit making it necessary to acquire them.
#4. Contact Number
There are two options as to how users may access this family mobile. They may either opt to have their existing numbers used with the family mobile or they may opt to reserve their original digits and get new numbers to configure with the family mobile.
This is entirely the decision of the users. Nevertheless, new numbers are better since the older numbers may have a lot of backlog or network discrepancies. This can lead to the rejection of the network which should warrant the user to contact customer care for further advice. To avoid all this, the potential user should acquire a new number and keep the older one for other networks.
Features of Walmart Family Mobile
#1. Good Pricing
The prices offered by this family phone are some of the best in the market. Price is one of the factors that influence users on the choice of service provider. With this in mind, the manufacturers of the family mobile together with T-Mobile have provided good prices that are easily affordable by the market. The data bundles provided are cheap and last for a considerable time without lagging. This is the same case with call rates. They are favorable.
#2. Great Coverage
It is important for any potential user to understand the coverage of the T-Mobile service. This will influence their decision. As such, the service provider enjoys a good amount of coverage, especially in urban centers. It is also found in rural areas but is less limited to those areas due to the number of users present in those areas. As such, it has great coverage thus optimal for the use of the family mobile.
#3. Fast Speeds
Smartphones have eased the everyday life of an online social being. The issue of the speed of the network may make this better or worse. A slow speed will derail the use of the device on online platforms or in other normal functions such as communication. The Walmart Family mobile has grown to provide up to 4G speeds which are the fastest in the market. Whereas other service providers are slowly changing to the fastest speed, this family phone has already done that making it very efficient.
Budget Plans of Walmart Family Mobile

#1. Postpay
There are various ways to pay for the use of the Walmart Family mobile services. Postpay is one of them. Users can opt to pay after the use of the various services offered. This encourages more users since you pay for what you have used for a certain period like a month. Therefore, users only pay for what they have consumed unlike prepay where you pay for future services that the user might end up not using or exhausting thus causing wastage which is expensive in the long run.
#2. Online Pay
The evolution of the internet has also eased the paying of bills. It is now possible to pay for your monthly or periodic charges to Walmart through their website. This is made possible through the use of Visa credit cards which have no transaction fees. The use of plastic money is one of the most secure ways of carrying around your purchasing power. This method is therefore very secure to both the customers and the service providers.
#3. Auto-pay
This is the same way that taxes are deducted from your pay before the pay makes it to your account. This is a good way of payment since as the user; you will not directly feel the pinch of payment. It removes the burden of having to physically pay the charges each and every time you use the services of the family phone. This indirect method is comfortable but should be monitored to ensure that they are not overcharging in which case the user can contact customer care services.
#4. Physical Pay
The use of this type of payment has been in the world for the longest time. This entails the physical payment of the bill by the user in the relevant stores. It is convenient for users who may also be needed the services of Walmart Stores for shopping. It is also a good way to seek advice on the various products of the family mobile and to seek any clarifications on bills previously paid.
Network Performance
#1. Network Provider
T-Mobile is one of the big four service providers in the United States. Due to the market share, it has, it has influenced the networking industry to a considerable extent. With one of the biggest speeds on the market, the users are able to effectively use the network in their activities thus improving their reputation through positive reviews and the sales are high compared to their competitors.
#2. Network Coverage
The family phone boasts great coverage in most areas. However, T-Mobile has a bad reputation when it comes to rural areas. Sure there is a greater market in towns but there is a substantially large market in the rural vicinities that need this coverage. By disregarding this market, T-Mobile users are forced to have more than one service provider when they visit these areas. Also, this gap in the market has enabled the competition to thrive and compete with multiple sales from both the rural and urban markets putting the family mobile at a great disadvantage.
#3. Customer Service
Companies must maintain great customer relations in order to obtain loyalty from their users, update users on new products in the market and ensure faster handling of issues facing them. It is therefore good that family mobile has a working customer service that sought to address issues. Nevertheless, there have been a lot of complaints from users who negate the relationship of the company to their needs. This has negated their reputation to the market that is more than ready to abandon ship and seek better treatment in other service providers.
#4. Use of Multiple Lines
The Walmart Family Mobile has the advantage of allowing multiple lines that the user can use to access. With the acquisition of each line, there is a discount of 5 dollars making the process cheaper and attractive. This has enabled users to have lines that have unlimited data plans and others that are cheaper in order to optimize functionality.